Thursday, June 10, 2010

Daily Routine

By now I’ve established a regular routine here at Berkeley.  I thought I’d post some pictures of where I work and what I see everyday!

This is the Campanile.  All of the universities in the University of California system have a tower and this is Berkeley’s.

This is Sather Gate, another famous piece of architecture at Berkeley.

There are huge, really old trees in a little forest area on campus

Yes, NL stands for Nobel Laureate.  Berkeley has a lot of alumni and faculty with nobel prizes.

This is a sign in the chemistry building here.  It was the site where plutonium was first identified!  I also saw a sign on the same floor that designated the site of where uranium was split for the first time, or something like that.

This is Stanley Hall, the building where I my lab is located.  It’s brand new so it’s really nice!

This is a view of the Bay from campus.  Today was the first time that I could see the Bay from Berkeley!

Anyway, there isn’t really time to do anything fun on the weekdays here because we all work a lot more than 40 hours a week, which is typical of graduate students, but we’re going to Muir Woods and the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday, then to the Haight-Ashbury Festival in San Francisco and Golden Gate Park on Sunday.  A super busy week, but I’m excited for the weekend!  I’ll post again soon!

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